Students who attend Fossil Ridge, Timnath, or Wellington High Schools will play for the Fossil Ridge Boys Volleyball Team. . Please contact Coach Switala ( ) if you will be playing for the Fossil Team.
Students who attend Rocky Mountain, Ft. Collins, or Poudre High Schools will play for the Poudre Boys Volleyball Team. Please contact Coach Rens ( ) if you will be playing for the Poudre Team.
Boys Volleyball Season: Monday, February 17th – Saturday, May 10th
Open Gym Opportunities at Fossil Ridge High School Auxiliary Gym for any PSD student regardless of which team you will play for in the Spring are from Noon – 2:00 pm on Saturday, January 18th , Saturday, February 1st , and Saturday, February 15th.
For more information about the Fossil Boys Volleyball team, please click on the following link:
For the Tentative Calendar for the Fossil Boys Volleyball Season, please click on the following link